Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I Will Post Your Writings

I have received many emails providing opinions, thoughts, and informative text from many who seem to prefer not to post comments.

As I realize many readers might not have the time to post on a regular basis, I have decided to open up this blog to those interested in publishing an article on an occasional basis.

All I ask is that it relates to the overall theme of this Blog.

As you can see from my postings, I always cite the authors of any writings not my own and provide a link where one exists.

To sum up my decision:

I am interested in discussion and dialogue, not being TOP DOG.

I want YOU, those younger than me, to start taking the reigns and riding the GOP elephant into a new world order.

I am a team player. My team is the GOP. Thus, in the best interest of the team winning, it is not my role to compete against you, but to assist you to help our team achieve our goal(s).

Using a football example, I might know the 3-4 defense to no end. But if, as a safety, I just cannot break on an out pattern same as before and it costs the team, it comes time to step aside and groom my replacement to ensure team victory.

Hope this makes sense.

Paul Fuentes


river said...

i read once when elephants began running amuck in african villages game warrants wondered if it was because they had no adults to model for them....older elephants were brought into the little outlaw herds. guess what? the young elephants stopped harassing the huts and learned to respect people and the villagers stopped killing them.

most great football coaches played the game themselves once. we are going to need all republicans banded together to just keep the score evenly with this rogue mule at our helm .... thank you for your keen selection of topics and leadership mr fuentes.

The Conservative Minority Coalition said...

Your welcome. And thanx for the encouraging words.